our story
Emmaus is a body of believers that started out of obedience in following Jesus. Many times things begin out of frustrations. Were we bored? Mad? Ready to do something new? The answers to those questions are yes and no. The Lord was calling the founders of Emmaus to something new, but no one was mad or frustrated. The Lord said, go start a church, so that is what happened.
The journey at Emmaus continues to be the same. We are madly in love with the Lord and His bride, the church. We know the body is growing and learning and changing, but it is also beautiful and wonderful now. The desire at Emmaus is to be the bride of Christ. We long for the second coming of Christ, and we also look forward to what Jesus is doing in the body here and now.
Emmaus might be the body for you. We ask that you seek the Holy Spirit and then come check it out. If the Lord calls you not to be part of this body, we pray His blessings on you as you seek a church home. If the Lord calls you to Emmaus, we also pray the Lord’s blessings on you, and we look forward to you becoming part of this family.
As a body we commit to…
cheerfully and regularly of our financial resources to support the Kingdom of God in bringing relief to the poor and making disciples of all nations.
the church, in accordance to God’s will, in an area of ministry or service being faithful to fulfill the duties of that role.
in our relationship with Jesus Christ by studying the scriptures and praying, both privately and with others in the church.
against sin and the appearance of evil in our personal character, conduct, and speech, and against injustice, in particular, for those who lack the resources to stand for themselves.
others in this church body through continual encouragement, accountability, submission, and service, being slow to take offense, but quick to reconcile, understanding that the quality of our relationships with others affects the quality of our relationship to God.