Emmaus Children’s Ministry
Emmaus Kids has a mission to serve the children & parents of our church, as well as those who serve our families each week. Our heart is to disciple children, to encourage them to follow Jesus, to show them the love of God & teach them about the life of Christ and the power of God.
Kid’s Classes
Children are invited to stay with their parents during our first worship session (before the sermon), then we have an official dismissal to kid’s classes. However, we also know that parents may need some additional space to worship, so kids can also be checked in as soon as you arrive to church! Kid's classes are age specific and divided amongst ages: 6months-2 years, 3-4years, 5-7years, and 8 years old through 4th grade. During class, kids will learn about the love of God through crafts, games, music, and bible stories. We are blessed with a team of people who are called to reach the children at Emmaus for the sake of the Gospel, who serve each Sunday in Emmaus Kids.
Parents can check-in their children at the computer check-in desk, located in the main lobby on Sunday mornings. After the beginning worship session, families are dismissed to take their children to class. Kids remain in their age appropriate class through the end of service.
*New families can check-in at the Connect Desk & our Connect Team will get you settled!
Want to learn about classes for 5th/6th graders? Learn more about Rise: Emmaus Intermediate!
Want to learn more about classes for 7th-12th graders? Learn more about Emmaus Student Ministry!
Interested in serving or learning more about our children’s ministry? Take a few minutes to see what this ministry is all about.