The leaves are changing colors + we are preparing for our biggest church gathering/event of the year!
Join us Sunday, October 27th from 5:00-8:00pm at School to the Nations in Ozark.
Sign ups for our Chili Cook Off, Pie Bake Off and Cornhole Tournament are now open! Get signed up today.
If not entering a contest, please bring a side item or dessert to share for our meal together. We can’t wait!
Need directions to the venue? Click here for directions from Emmaus to the Party!
From our annual chili cook-off, pie bake-off and cornhole tournament, to inflatables, fellowship, kid’s activities + more, there is something for everyone.
Bring a lawn chair or a blanket!
Here is a list of all that we will have going on:
Chili + Pie Cook-Off
Cornhole Tournament
Free Dinner + Dessert Together
Photo Booth (printable photos instantly!)
New Emmaus Merchandise Available!
Pumpkin Carving
Yard Games
Fellowship + More
Interested in serving in another way or have questions? Reach out to We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
We will be meeting at School to the Nations, located at 3111 Hidden Bluff Drive, Ozark, Missouri 65721.