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Spring Growth Classes | Learning Together

Join us on Wednesday evenings for our fall Growth Courses, starting on Wednesday, February 5th from 6:30-7:30pm for classes to take you further & learn more. This session we will have four different options for you to choose from & prayerfully consider. Register yourself or your family before Sunday, February 2nd! Below is a snippet about each class. 

- The Prayer Practice | Adam Chambers
The Prayer Practice will help you learn to set aside dedicated time to intentionally be with God, in order to become like him and partner with him in the world. Whether you’re new to prayer and don’t know where to start or have a lifetime of experience this practice will help you take a step deeper into a life of prayer. Join us for this 5 week class led by Adam Chambers.

- Evangelism Basics | Clint Coyan + Bill Niebuhr
Nervous to share your faith? Never shared your faith? Have a growing desire to help more people know the Lord? Come and learn how to share the gospel in fun and practical ways that will help you make evangelism part of your everyday life. Join us for this 6 week class, led by Clint Coyan and Bill Niebuhr.

- Emmaus Essentials | Ron Vandever + Michael Buttacy
Whether you're brand new to Emmaus and want to jump into the next steps, or you've been attending for a while but want a deeper dive, this foundational course of Emmaus basics may be for you. Join us for this 4 week class led by co-pastors Ron Vandever and Michael Buttacy, as they walk through our history, beliefs, ministries and vision. 

All three classes are free and we will also be offering kid's classes + youth classes!

- Emmaus Kids (grades 6 and below) will be going through a study on the promise that God will be with you wherever you go, Until the Very End.

(Interested in serving in the Emmaus Kid's Growth Class? Reach out to!)

- Emmaus Student Ministry (grades 7-12) will be having their new Youth Group House Church (held at the Durk's house) on Wednesday nights. Parents are welcome to drop off their students at Dillon & Taylors before coming to Growth Classes. To learn more & to get the address, reach out to!

Just make sure to register below to indicate which course you will be attending (and if childcare is needed). We are excited to venture into this new way of further equipping the body at Emmaus.

February 25

Emmaus Women’s Spring Bible Study

March 16

Outreach Meal with the Victory Mission